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Therapies with light sources and lasers

Laser treatments for moderate to severe aging continue to be the techniques of choice. For younger patients, darker skin tones, patients who cannot afford medical leave, or those who prefer less aggressive treatments, Intense Pulsed Light therapies and other state-of-the-art hybrid and non-ablative lasers may be ideal. In our clinic we have these technologies.


Our technology with light sources and lasers


IPL Laser

It is the most versatile technology with which we can treat numerous skin pathologies: treatment of acne, spots and hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions and ruby spots, photorejuvenation and hair removal.


Depilación definitiva

Disponemos de la tecnología más rápida e indolora para la depilación definitiva, empleando láser de Diodo o fotodepilación según tu fototipo y características del pelo.

Láser Fraccionado

Especialmente indicado para Rejuvenecimiento no ablativo fraccional, Arrugas profundas, Cicatrices, Marcas de nacimiento, Daño solar, Laxitud, Reducción de poros, Pecas y Estrías. 

Descubre el tratamiento ideal para ti, ¡contáctanos ahora!

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